Supervised Consumption Service Whiteparish

People who are on a treatment programme may be routinely prescribed medications. Our service in Whiteparish can help you to stabilise and then follow your treatment plan effectively, in order to gradually reduce your use over time.

Our supervised consumption service helps you to maintain regular dosing by taking the medicine in the pharmacy. Our staff in Whiteparish will dispense your prescription, and keep the prescription and medicines safely for you, then check that you’ve taken all the medicines each day. They will help you to make sure that you are taking the right dose, stop you from taking the medicine if we think it is unsafe for you to do so, and let your keyworker know if we’re concerned about your welfare.

Please feel welcome to come in and speak to one of our dedicated team of staff or pharmacists in Whiteparish for more information. You can also contact us using the ‘Contact’ page on this website, or by emailing us at You can also call us on 01425 65 23 00 to discuss this with our Pharmacists.

Nominate us as your Pharmacy

If you have any questions or would like to learn more about our services and processes, book a free consultation today.

Our Services
Get in touch with us today.

Repeat Prescription Service

Travel Clinic

Flu Vaccination

COVID Vaccinations

Pharmacy First Scheme

Contraception Services

Blood Pressure Checks

Malaria Tablets

Other Vaccinations

Free COVID Tests

Erectile Problems

Private Prescriptions

Veterinary Prescriptions

Care Home Management

New Medicine Service

Supervised Consumption Service

Private Consultation Room

Electronic Prescription Service

Extensive Range of Stock

Expert OTC Advice

Disposal of Unwanted Medicines

Smoking Cessation

Weight Loss