Contraception Services Shaftesbury

You may be able to get the contraceptive pill from our pharmacy in Shaftesbury if you need to:

  • start the contraceptive pill for the first time
  • take the contraceptive pill again after a break from using it

If you already have a prescription for the contraceptive pill, you can use the prescription as usual. Or you can get the pill from a pharmacy in Shaftesbury without a prescription if you prefer.

What to expect when getting the contraceptive pill without a prescription

You’ll speak with a pharmacist in private. They’ll ask about your health and may check your height, weight and blood pressure.

The pharmacist will let you know how to take the pill, and discuss possible side effects. They can refer you to a GP or sexual health clinic in Shaftesbury if needed.

If the pharmacist gives you the contraceptive pill they will tell your GP, but only if you give permission for them to do so. This information will not be shared with anyone else.

Emergency Hormonal Contraception

Fordingbridge Chemist provides emergency contraception services. Our pharmacists offer expert advice and information on your options for contraception. We respect your privacy and have a private consultation room to ensure you can have a professional conversation in a safe and confidential area.

You can contact us using the ‘Contact’ page on this website or email us for more information on emergency contraception services and how we can help. You can also call us on 01425 65 2300 in Shaftesbury if you wish to have a private conversation with our dedicated pharmacists.

Free Condoms

Get it On (GIO) is the condom distribution scheme running across Hampshire, the Isle of Wight, Portsmouth and Southampton. If you are under 25 you can get free condoms from lots of different organisations. Even if you are under 16 years old you can still join the scheme.

Nominate us as your Pharmacy

If you have any questions or would like to learn more about our services and processes, book a free consultation today.

Our Services
Get in touch with us today.

Repeat Prescription Service

Travel Clinic

Flu Vaccination

COVID Vaccinations

Pharmacy First Scheme

Contraception Services

Blood Pressure Checks

Malaria Tablets

Other Vaccinations

Free COVID Tests

Erectile Problems

Private Prescriptions

Veterinary Prescriptions

Care Home Management

New Medicine Service

Supervised Consumption Service

Private Consultation Room

Electronic Prescription Service

Extensive Range of Stock

Expert OTC Advice

Disposal of Unwanted Medicines

Smoking Cessation

Weight Loss