Other Vaccinations Downton

Vaccination services provided by Fordingbridge Chemist in Downton include a range of essential vaccines such as chickenpox, hepatitis B, meningitis ACWY, meningitis B, pneumococcal, RSV, shingles, and tuberculosis. These vaccinations play a critical role in preventing serious diseases and are particularly valuable for at-risk populations. By supplying just one or two of these vaccines to patients, the associated costs for the Patient Group Direction (PGD) can be effectively covered. This approach not only ensures that patients in Downton receive necessary immunizations but also makes the vaccination services financially sustainable for providers

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Our Services
Get in touch with us today.

Repeat Prescription Service

Travel Clinic

Flu Vaccination

COVID Vaccinations

Pharmacy First Scheme

Contraception Services

Blood Pressure Checks

Malaria Tablets

Other Vaccinations

Free COVID Tests

Erectile Problems

Private Prescriptions

Veterinary Prescriptions

Care Home Management

New Medicine Service

Supervised Consumption Service

Private Consultation Room

Electronic Prescription Service

Extensive Range of Stock

Expert OTC Advice

Disposal of Unwanted Medicines

Smoking Cessation

Weight Loss